Find the best & healthiest VEGAN Alternatives to Dairy and Meat Based Products!Are you finding it hard to replace dairy and meat products in your diet after transitioning to vegan? Well now you dont have to worry! With Vegan Alternatives, you can find animal friendly substitutes for over 20 products such as Cheese, Milk, Ice Cream, Yogurt, Bacon, Beef, Chicken, Duck, Pork, Chocolate and even Eggs!You can find the top brand alternatives with the highest protein contents for all these products and more, with some recipes also included for dairy products which do not have a vegan brand substitute! Vegan Alternatives will revolutionise the way vegans live their lives by making it possible for anyone to cook up their favourite dishes without harming animals! There is also a Why Go Vegan? section included to convince you and those around you why going vegan is the best for the animals, the environment, and most importantly, you!Make a change, and download Vegan Alternatives on the Play Store today!